Through the eyes of a child…

Today we got our Christmas tree up. We purchased this fake tree the first year we were together 8 years ago. We spent $70 on it. For Tony and I, we look at it and see all the flaws. It has some sorry looking branches and  lights are out here or there. We have to use extra lights to make it look even remotely like a tree. We also have part of a closet organizer and zip ties holding that in place, to make it so we can have a star on top. In short Tony and I see a sad looking tree.

However Max took one look at it and loved it! It glows! It is a plant! What is not to love? Granted it is a fake plant but what does a 3 year old know? For him, Mommy and Daddy made that tree!

We didn’t put ornaments on the tree. We don’t have many that are not breakable so rather then making the tree look sadder with only a few ornaments on it, we put up none. Perhaps Max and I will make a paper train and put that on it, but that would be about it. We realize that even with a fence around the tree, it would still be a target so we will be happy with this.

I guess Max is in the Christmas spirit even though I don’t know he knows what the Christmas spirit is!