Crispy Chickpeas…

Today I attended a webinar on snacks for eating the way we do. Always helpful as snacks even when eating the way most Americans eat is hard. I got some great ideas and even picked up an e-book (for under $5!!) and one of the ideas that was mentioned in the webinar but wasn’t in the book was for roasted chickpeas. I had never heard of this idea so I went looking and found the above recipe for them. It sounded simple enough but I didn’t have any chickpeas to try them out. Then we happen to go to the store and so I grabbed some.

The recipe is fairly quick to do so I started it and turn the peas once then ate dinner. I took the suggestion and baked them at 350. They were ready to have the oven turned off at about 1 hour I would say. I then let them cool in the oven. After a while I came back and checked on them. Tony hated them but Max LOVES them. I think they do in fact taste like corn nuts though obviously they are healthier for you and loaded with protein.

So I thought I would share!