Max’s habits…

This is Max reading his First 1000 Words in Chinese book. For whatever reason he likes to read this book while I am writing on the blog at night before we go to sleep.

Max has been sleeping on his crib mattress on the floor next to my side of the bed for over a week now. We think he is just so confused by Tony and I being confused that he just feels happier there. So I have decided to just go with it and after things get calmer, after Tony starts working again, then we can get him back in his room.

This brings me to another habit of Max’s. Max seems to do best in our day when he goes out for a portion of the day. It doesn’t have to be anywhere big or fancy, a walk in a park, a trip to K-Mart, grocery shopping, anything like that will make it so he seems to do better with his day. Well since the weather has been changing and getting colder (it is 46.4 degrees outside as I type this) I have been asking him where he wants to go. His first response is ALWAYS, train and airplane. He REALLY wants to go on a train and/or airplane. I have told him that if Daddy gets a job where we have to move that we will live near the train (subway but at his age a subway is a train) and we will take the train everyday. I am glad that I have been open with him in this time because if we suddenly had to move that could be a shock to him. However this has had an unintended consequence that he just can’t wait to take the train (or a plane). If by some chance we end up staying here I told Tony we need to go into New York so Max can at least take the train.

Well that is all for now!