
Today Tony had a phone interview. Normally we would go to playgroup but I had stuff I wanted to get done so we didn’t go today. So after taking our books to the library and going to Lowes to get weather stripping for the door we realized it was still to early to come home. I had told Tony to send me a text message when he was done. So I went to a busy intersection so Max can do what he really loves and look at the trucks passing by. I parked in a parking lot (so not off the side of the street or something) and it was funny. I must have had 3-4 cars in a 20 minute time frame noticeably look at our car! Made me wonder if they were seeing if it was for sale, then again they could have thought something happened to us.

At any rate, this photo I took of Max right after he saw a big truck! It sort of shows how hard it is for me to get the great shots that you see on the blog everyday. Max rarely works with me and I find myself having to sneak to get a good shot. Look at yesterday’s photo as you can see part of the papasan chair in the upper left corner. I took that photo from behind and partially under the chair.

Oh and one last thing, you will see that Max isn’t wearing a coat. Yes that is great for the safety of the seat, but he really did need a coat today and I would have put him in his light jacket in the carseat. However, Max informed me that he doesn’t like that jacket. He is very picky about his clothes and looking “cute” is  of utmost importance to him. He certainly doesn’t get that trait from Tony or I as normally we don’t care how we look. Ha ha!

Tony’s phone interview went well so hopefully we will hear some good news next week.
