Ouch! That hurt!

As you may be able to see, I got rear ended today while Max was in the car with me. We were not hurt but sadly Maya (the minivan) was. I was turning left from a 2 lane road to a side street when someone went around me to the right. Clearly they didn’t have enough room and Maya was in their way.

I had the police make a report and we quickly found out that we could replace Max’s car seat. I know some may think this is overkill but honestly at this point I am not taking chances. Car seats are designed to take forces and once they take, they don’t give back. The car seat issue (aside from the whole police issue) was the hardest part of this. Max has about 6-8 months before he would have maxed out the rear facing limit of his car seat. So I could either get him the same seat as he last had, or go to the next step. After much debate, we decided to get him his next step. Tony doesn’t see this as a big deal but for me I see it as a HUGE step for my little guy.

The next step with a car seat is one that is harnessed to a certain weight (85 lbs) then it converts to a booster seat where the car’s seat belt is used for the belt to be positioned correctly. In short, my little guy isn’t a baby anymore.

What this means for us is that we will have to dispose of 2 car seats this month. The seat we brought him home in (and was intended for Emily) expires this month. Then this seat. That will leave us with one backup seat that I got for our trip out West in 2009. However this also means that we will be able to get the latest and greatest for the next child so that is good too.

Well that is all for now!