I am liking Fenway’s hair cut now. He is a bit shaggyer and I think he looks better this way. If we end up in San Diego this may be the way Fenway looks all the time.
Today Max and I went to playgroup where I told the group that we will likely be gone by the end of the summer. Really stinks. But I told them that I will be selling of our beef (side) if we move to San Diego (think we can take it with us if we went to Indiana) so they were all wanting to line up and take it. So at least that will not be a problem. Playgroup itself was at a park today and it was at least 80 degrees with at least 80% humidity, with NO breeze at all. I felt like Max took a sweat shower! It wasn’t pretty.
Now to some questions. We are not really sure how much we could get for the house. We know we will be taking a bit of a hit on it but we are unsure as to how much it will be. Certainly nothing like the California, Florida or Los Vegas housing market. I contacted the Realtor that helped us find this house today to find out what she would recommend for us. We may have to do a bit of work on this place to make it so the hit will not be as bad. So these are all things we need to figure out.
I do have family on the west coast. Actually all of my family except for 2 of my dads and my mom are on the west coast. Tony’s parents are also out there. However everyone except for a great aunt (my grandfather who died shortly after Max was born, sister) lives in Oregon or Washington out there. She actually lives south of LA so she would be fairly close… even if I really don’t know her. I do have an uncle that likes to go to Palm Springs but honestly I haven’t looked at a map to figure out how far away that is from San Diego.
We are thinking that when this happens it will happen very fast. I am fully expecting to put the house on the market and have it sell after we move. That is just the nature of things. It is very important to me to have Tony start work ASAP as I need to have a scan in early to mid August. Not to mention I don’t like living off of savings. If we are talking about moving to San Diego it could take Max, Fenway and me about a week to 2 weeks to get out there so that is a consideration as well. Last time we did a corporate move (Boston to here), Tony got the offer letter at the end of February and we moved by mid March. Granted that was only a 5 hour move, but that gives you an idea of the time frame we are talking about.
Tomorrow it will be back to organizing and decluttering again. So much fun!
Hi Jennifer,
Just thought I would let you know that Palm Springs is about a 2 1/2 hr drive from San Diego.
Fenway is a really cute dog!
Happy Saturday, Rowena