Rest of yesterday and Fenway…

 Max on the bus to the train station.

 Max eating 2 sausages at the train station.

 Our dog Fenway… no really it is him.

We got home very late last night. Our train was 40 minutes late getting in, and we had to catch a second train to get back home. So we rushed to get to the second train and made it on time. However it was nearly midnight. So we the train goes to our stop and we are waiting to get off. The doors don’t open. No announcement or anything. So we are forced to go to the next stop where I get in a taxi and pay $30 to drive back to the stop we were suppose to be at. I get dropped off and it is dark and I am just praying that I don’t get mugged. Finally I get the car and go back to the first train station where I get Max and Tony. We end up getting home around 1 pm.

This morning Tony misses his doggy and wakes up early to get him. Hard to believe that is our puppy!
