Okay more about the doctor yesterday…

Basically I had my whole head light up with the PET scan. Seeing how my lymphoma wasn’t near my head, the thought is that this is an infection, though it could be something else. The only way to tell for sure quickly would be a biopsy. So I am doing 2 weeks of antibiotics then I can go back and see if anything changed. I am not in pain so that is both good and bad. They did order a strep test on me but it came back as inconclusive.

She also said that my white blood cell count was in the “normal range” for “normal people”. Those of you that know me, know that I am ANYTHING but normal though. So she actually thinks that normal for me is low for everyone else, so to her that points to an infection. You may remember that what started my search for an oncologist was just that my white blood cell count was slightly off to the lower. So this is the opposite of that problem.

SO that means that I need to take Max into the doctor today so that he can be tested for strep. He has some of the same non symptoms I had so we are assuming that he has an infection.

What is funny to me about this whole thing, is had I not had a PET scan right now I likely wouldn’t be on anything. I don’t feel bad, I am not really thinking anything about Max’s “symptoms” so likely neither of us would go to the doctor. After all, prior to yesterday I just thought I had allergies.

I also talked to the doctor yesterday about the possibility of us moving. I told her that loosing money on the house is nothing compared to switching all of my doctors! That is enough to make me want to take the Ativan that she prescribed for me for the chemo!

She said that my case is “complicated” and that she wouldn’t want me to go to “just anyone”. She said that she knows many good oncologist around the country that she would be happy to put me in the hands of. More importantly, she knows people in all of the areas that Tony has applied to. She said once it comes to that, to let her know and she would make sure the transition is as smooth as possible. One of my fears was that I would go to another oncologist and they would do the “Why was this done to you? We would have done __!” And then I would be second guessing myself and that would be awful considering that I am past the point of no return on all of this. So I don’t think that will happen.

I will be going back to see my oncologist on June 2. Hopefully by then we will have a better idea of what is happening with Tony. I know Memorial Day is coming up though so I am not sure what we will know. My oncologist will order my August scan at that point assuming I am healed from my infection.

Tony has a second phone interview in a few minutes. I will come back tonight to post on how that and our day went along with our photo of the day.
