Scan done, now wait…

Today I had my PET/CT scan. I woke up at 5:30 and realized I didn’t need that much time so left the house at 6:15 only to get in unusually heavy traffic and barely make my 7:30 am appointment time. I don’t know why, but something about the rain makes people forget how to drive. Anyway, I brought with me my Nourishing Traditions book. Probably not the best choice as I had to fast for this test. However I did have plenty of time to read it as the PET scan requires one to not move really for an hour. So I was able to read the book. I have my PET scan and get out of there by 9:30. An hour later I am home and not too soon as Tony clearly is pulling out his hair with Max.

Max is happy to see me though so that is good. We then make gingerbread from the book. It turns out very well and has 3 tablespoons of fresh ginger in it, so it really is gingery. We all take a nap this afternoon and by the time that is over so is the day.

The photo of the day today is Max pretending that the stick to the carpet sweeper is a cannon of some sort. He was holding it and making boom noises. As you can see, Fenway was a bit scared by this. I am just impressed that Max has that great of an imagination. 🙂

Tomorrow is music class, and Thursday is my doctor appointment. So I hope everything goes well.