Our Azalea bush is about to bloom!
Happy boy!
Happy Dog!
Okay yes Fenway has a collar on. He got some sort of infection in his foot that could have been caused by him ripping out all the hair in his pads on on foot. He is well on the mend though so that is good. His collar should be off by the end of the week.
Max got mad at me today and threw a shoe that hit me in the eye. I am alright but I have a mark near my eye. Hopefully he learned his lesson. He spent a long time in time out for that one.
Tonight we went for a walk that Max wanted longer. Well he kept tripping even though I was holding his hand. By the time we got home he had 2 minorly scraped knees. I guess this is where summer starts. Ha ha!
I was asked for the carrot cake recipe. I got it from a meal planning service so I have asked the author if I can share. Assuming I get that, I will share at that time. BTW it was just as good tonight as last night!
That is all for now!
I hope the say yes!!!
Thanks for requesting.
Spring is looking gorgeous there! We have azaleas in our front yard and they bloom all year ’round. It has always amazed me.
Enjoy your warmer weather!