
Today Max went to the doctor because he is chewing on EVERYTHING for no apparent reason. They ordered a blood test to see if he is anemic as sometimes children that do this are anemic. I do want to state, that he started chewing on everything BEFORE our diet changes so there is no reason to think that the two are connected.

We came back home and I made an appointment for this afternoon for Max to get his blood drawn. Well since he had said that he was at  the doctors office so he could “get his port flushed” I decided to go with that and I told him that he needed to his port flushed. So we go in there and clearly he is anxious but he does really well. He very briefly whined when the needle went in but that was about it. I am wondering if he sees me not make too much noise for my port flushes so he figured he needed to do like mommy. Anyway, we should get the results of that before the end of the week. 🙂
