Drop point…

Today was our milk day and I think many people would think it funny how everything looks and works. These 2 photos show what we do. We go to a park and ride and give a guy a check, and he tells us where our cooler is (letter and number) and then we get it, put its contents in our car and return the cooler. It is rather funny to look at it but it works well for all concerned.

As you can see Tony has a red cooler which is what we have had every one of the 3 times we have done this. Inside we had 4 gallons of milk, 2 packages of bologna (not the Oscar Meyer kind here, much tastier!), 2 dozen eggs, a block of cheese, and 2 packages of meet sticks.

You can see that there are some families that order far more then we do and they require bigger coolers also. I have been told that they can fit 16 gallons of milk in the largest coolers.
