Day 89 of 365

Today Max and I had a busy day with Music Together in the morning and a meeting for me in the evening. Fenway also had his last obedience class. That means he has had 3 – 8 week classes and he is as smart as he is going to get! Ha ha! He is certainly much better behaved then he was when we started back in September. Max and I stayed home from the class so we didn’t get to see him graduate.

As you can see this is Max right before bed. Tony reads him a story and they have this whole routine. Max has also started chewing on anything he can find and rather then me yelling at him all the time, I have taken to giving him something to chew on. So I purchased for him 2 new chewing type toys. One of which he has in his hand and in his mouth in the photo. Hopefully this is just a phase that will go away soon. He also has stopped using his spoon today. Not sure what that is about but I figure I will ignore it for a few days and see what happens.

Tomorrow we are talking to the farmer about our side of beef. We will be getting that soon!