Fenway and sleep…

Today was a LONG day. Max has a bit of a cold and has been draining. Well last night he got sick in his bed twice. However he has been waking at around 2 am and demanding to come into our bed where Tony and I both don’t get any sleep. So last night I decided to just be in his room and sleep with him. Lucky for me I didn’t get any of his sickness on me. If that were not enough Fenway has really had his cheese moved. We have had part of our fence removed so that the playset and shed (which is coming tomorrow) could be delivered. So Fenway has had to go outside on a leash. Well he hasn’t been “using the grass” because of the leash. So last night his bladder caught up with him. This is what made him bark till 4 am. However he continued to bark after that. I have no idea why. My hope is he will not continue this.

So now the photo. This is Max cutting all of his food from dinner. He got bored with eating so he went to cut all of his food.

There was a question asked of me today that I thought I would answer on here. I was asked if the playset was anchored into the ground. And no it isn’t. It is counter balanced and that makes it so I or Tony can play on it. In fact we were all on it today at the same time.
