Nearly 70 degrees in February?

Photo of the day.

Today we went to the park. It was warm out so I thought this would be a good idea. We were there for about 1.5 hours then we came home and Max played outside with Fenway for about 2 hours. Then he came in for lunch. I have never seen Max this tired while eating… well at least outside breastfeeding. He was eating a sandwich with his elbow on the table and his hand supporting his head. He would open his eyes for a bite, then close them again to chew. Needless to say this only lasted for a while before he was ready for “nigh-night.”

When he woke up from his nap he went back outside and spent a total of about 2.5 hours out there. This includes a walk that we took when Tony got home. So I think Max is going to sleep well tonight!

Here are some more photos from the park.
