Form and structure

Today we went to get my port flushed and looked at. I had thought it had moved and when you have essentially a piece of plastic going through a vein in your neck, you would like to know it is okay if it moves a bit. Turns out I am fine and I had nothing to worry about. Oh well, I would rather error on the side of caution.

These first 3 photos are from the center where I got my cancer treatment done at. That is where I have to go to get my port flushed.  This is looking up. You can see the glass then the floating conference room above. 

 Here you can see the skywalk (above) and the second floor of the lobby (below). You can also see the roof (brown) and the floating conference room (white).

 This is the elevator shaft. It is a glass elevator so everything is exposed. I took this from outside the elevator in the lobby. We are looking up. (photo of the day)

After my appointments we went to Ikea. We got there a bit early and so Max and I had breakfast (he had already ate something so therefore the lack of food in front of him). 
That is all for now! See you tomorrow!