Well I meant to get this done yesterday but I had one problem. 2 of the cookies needed to be chilled for several hours! So I made them both yesterday morning and cooked one cookie last night and the other one I made this morning. YAY!
So here is what I made:
Molasses Sugar cookies – Made these as they say to. If you decide to make them be warned: they don’t require a mixer but do require a strong arm!!
Cream Cheese Kolacky – Never even heard of these before. However I was looking for a polish cookie recipe that sounded good and this fit the bill. Tony is polish and tomorrow I am making a Norwegian cookie recipe (which is what I am among other things).
Here are the photos!!
Molasses Sugar Cookies
Max eating the Kolacky (apricot)
The Cream Cheese Kolacky (apricot and blackberry). I didn’t perfect the art of closing them. Not sure if there is a trick or something to that. It is surprising that for so little sugar in them they don’t really need it… at least to me.
And to my shock before we got to the class there was NO snow anywhere!
And because of the snow (and my fear of being late) we got there way early. So Max and I had fun in the lobby.
I have a family recipe from Tony’s grandmother for those polish pastries. I don’t remember the name, but they are called something else. You have to make the dough really thin and then pinch the ends to close them. Traditionally we have always used apricot.