Sorry I haven’t updated for a while. Tony went on a business trip on Wednesday and was gone till about 15 minutes after Max went to sleep on Thursday. My birthday was on Friday. Honestly between Max being 2 and all the wonderful things that entails, and me trying to keep my sanity there isn’t much time for anything else.
Yes it is true. We have a full fledged, card carrying 2 year old. I put out one fire only to get another one set behind me. But it isn’t all bad. Max does have his moments of sweetness, though typically it is only after mommy looks like a character in a Frankenstein movie. Ha ha! Max also seems to be fairly good when we are out however going out is playing with fire too. If he gets tired when out then he falls asleep. If this happens then he only sleeps while in the car. If we are far this could also mean he doesn’t nap again. If I am able to wake him up in a quick time, he will go back to sleep again. So I have figured out a delicate ballet of when I should never attempt to leave the house.
It makes me wonder how parents with children spaced like I wanted do it. I can’t even fathom a infant right now with Max being like he is. I am actually finding myself thanking God for my cancer so I have to wait to have more children. Certainly 4 couldn’t be worse then this… right?
However on the positive side, today we were in the Catholic Church and Max was getting fussy. So I started to ask him where things were. He refused until I got to “Where is Emily?” He got a big smile on his face and pointed up to above the alter. Thinking this was just him being silly, I changed the subject and asked him again after a few minutes. He smiled and pointed above the alter again. So Max does have a sweet side too!
My birthday is definitely one that ranks up there on most memorable. Which brings me to my list of most memorable birthdays (in no particular order).
1) My actual day of birth. While I don’t recall this day, I am sure there are others that do.
2) My 16th birthday – I ate ribs and was given a trip to Florida to visit my grandparents with my mother. They were snowbirding down there. This is obviously before my mom moved to Florida.
3) My 23rd birthday – I was living in Florida at the time and went and surprised my father on my birthday by visiting him in Portland. Will not forget that!
4) My 30th birthday – Emily was extubated making it so I could hold her easier. Definitely my favorite!!
5) My 34th birthday (Friday) – I went grocery shopping and when I got back tried to unlock the house in the process, hitting my panic button on the house alarm causing the police to show up. How can you forget that?? Haha!
Tony has decided to postpone my birthday gift. I want a new cell phone. My current cell phone can be opened and Max has taken to making it do things. I need something more child proof. So I am wanting to get a droid like phone when we are able to. Ironically this is around Tony’s birthday. The other gifts I have got are a toast or oven (use that everyday!) and a new purse and wallet (again I use it everyday). I also got a wok. It is a $4 Ikea wok that is sure to become a family joke. Since I wanted something much more expensive later, Tony got me this wok. So Friday I decided to use it. Let me just say I never thought I could be so happy with something that costs $4. Woks are handy! Never realized that till now. I think it has become my favorite pan!
Max is doing well with his schooling. We have finished week 2 and so far he has learned A and B, 1 and 2, Jungle and Cow, Calf and Vines, and Square and green. It really doesn’t take long to do this everyday and I am letting him direct it. However I know I have been able to do the whole day worth in 20 minutes. I see this as my way of easing into things.
That is all I have for now. Max is building that fire again. I should say though before I go that I have my first remission scan on November 2. Yes all of the news channels are counting down to my scan! I will get the results on November 11. Hopefully all will be good!
Max does sound like a typical two year old! Thank goodness. It will get easier!
Hope all goes well with your scan on Nov. 2. Will be thinking of you then.
Take care, Rowena