I am NEOD (No evidence of original cancer) at least by my CT scan. YAY!!!!!
This is a step up from NEC (No evidence of cancer) which shouldn’t be confused with the illness that babies get in the NICU. I got that back in at the end of April. However this isn’t as good as NED (No evidence of disease) that I should get next week when I meet with my hematological oncologist!
However it wasn’t all sunshine and lollypops. They did dig and find 2 things that they thought I should know about. I may… sadly have endometrious. Haha! I know I don’t have that! I have had 2 c-sections and a my ovaries moved (not to mention all the infertility stuff) and there was never a mention of this. They also saw my thymus which they saw on an echo months ago, and said it was nothing.
Just a quick post today. I will try to post some more pictures this week.
Hi Jennifer,
Great news about your CT scan. Hopefully you will get nothing but good news from now on!
Have a wonderful weekend.