Poor Fenway got a parasite! He got Giardia. I guess this is common in puppies but ti can also potentally be passed on to humans. It isn’t fatal or anything, it just gives a dog (or human) the runs for as long as 6 weeks! Not something I really want anyone to have!
The vet gave us some medication for him and I got some special food for him. So hopefully he will be okay with that. However I now have to keep Max and Fenway apart till Fenway is doing better and cleared of this. It has been about 6 hours of what will be 2 weeks (God willing, it could be longer) and I don’t like this one bit!
Poor Fenway has been confined to the kitchen (better then being confined to a crate) and I don’t like doing this too him. He is such a people dog. He hates it and I feel like a meany!
On the plus side I am done with radiation! YAY!! I will get a scan at the end of the month (July 26) and that should tell me if I am cancer free! I should be now but they want to make sure that the radiation has completely worked before they will tell me that.
Well that is about all that is happening here (thank goodness because this is too much at times). Talk to you later!
I am glad that the radiation is done. Good luck on your scan. The new puppy is so cute. Sorry to hear that he is sick. BTW I love the new site.
Sheboygan, WI
Hi Jennifer,
I’m so glad you are finished with radiation. I will pray for great news on the 26th.
Poor little Fenway. How sad for all of you that you can’t enjoy each other. I do hope it is short lived for all your sakes. How is Max handling the separation from his new puppy?
Enjoy your free mornings! Rowena