Update on Larry…

Well I am having a rare side effect to one of the Chemo drugs. I am still nutrapenic or I still have a low white blood cell count so I can’t have the surgery today. They are now trying for a week from today.

I found out in a rather strange way though. I got an automated phone call telling me that my surgery was at such and such time today and confirming that I was having it done. Shocked and a bit mad that I would find out this way, I called my doctor to make sure I was cleared for surgery. Turns out I wasn’t cleared. Tony said that if he heard the automated thing he would have just assumed that I was a go, but once again my temper actually saved me.

Anyway so now the plan is for me to go in today and get an injection that should help get me out of this chronic state (thank God I am not still in the hospital over all of this). Then I need to go back in on Monday and hopefully be better. If so I go in on Wednesday for surgery. If not then I don’t know what is next.

I took pictures of Max’s new bed but I left the camera in his room and he is still asleep. So I will try to post those later. I also have corn, peas, and cucumbers growing in my garden. If I am able to I will also take a photo of those to share.
