Well I have lots of photo’s of the little guy that I need to upload. Sadly I am getting Chemo right now so I can’t upload photos since I forgot the camera.
On Sunday I started to have the wonderful side effect of really loosing my hair. I thought it would come out in spots, but no it was just all over. I never thought I would know what it felt like to be a dog but honestly that is what it was like. Only I have fingers. So I am able to put my fingers through my hair and out jumped a ton of hair. After taking one shower like this I decided to try to find the “end” of it before I took another shower. Needless to say, today I have less hair on my head then Max… at least I think.
My doctor thinks that Larry is on the run. I have noticed that I think Larry is smaller. The white blood cell count that I had today is higher then before I had chemo and normally it is the opposite. So that is all good. She has ordered a CT scan to be done before round 3 to see this qualitatively.
In other news, Max is loving to draw lately. He is also really into balls. Those make him laugh at times. He is talking more and more too. Some days he surprises me with how much he is talking. The other day I was laying with him in bed before the day started and I asked him if he “was my sweet pea?” To which he replied “I think so.” He also is starting to turn into a “daddy’s boy.” He gets soo excited when Tony comes home from work. He runs to the door when he hears it open (or the bells go off from the alarm system). It is really cute.
These photos were taken from the computer here at the Chemo chair. The view is also from the chair.
Well that is all I have for now.
Awesome Scarf! & Little Max is SO SO cute!
You look great! I know God is helping you and your precious family to get thru another road block in your life. Hang in there!
I have been reading since Emily.. I have been wondering everyday.. Oh what is that Max up to now..
You have your hands full.. But you are a strong women…
Hang in there… You are truely amazing!!
Jennifer, you look great and Max is getting so big. What a cutie. You are so strong and I just wanted to send you many more hugs and prayers. Keep up the fight! You will kick Larry’s butt!!!
Hi Jennifer,
Just back from a short trip to Iowa to move my mother in law. It was cold but no snowstorm like last week when we were supposed to go.
So glad that your second round of chemo is done. I hope you are feeling okay. You look great.
As always Max is the cutest little guy. He is always sooo happy?
Take care, Rowena