Max and my heart…

Well Max had his 15 month well visit yesterday. He is:
2 feet 9 inches tall (0.838 m) 94.76 percentile
Weighs 28 lbs. 8.8 oz (12.95 kg) 92.59 percentile
and has a head circumference of 19.09 inches (48.5 cm) 85.91 percentile

So clearly I have a big boy!

Max also recieved his Hep A and MMR vaccines yesterday. He did very well with both of them. They did call my oncologist office before giving him his MMR vaccine because it contains a live component to it and they wanted to make sure it would be safe for me since I am his primary caretaker. So that is good that they are on top of that!

I asked about his emotional and physical health while I am going through this. The doctor told me I can only do what I can do about his emotional health. If he needs more reasuring then give it to him and that is about all you can do. He also suggested that I stop going to playgroups and such so he has less chance of getting sick while I am going through Chemo. That sounds reasonable to me. I will also be using hand washing obsessively during this time.

Now me. I had an echocardogram yesterday. I was confused on exactly what I was getting but this is what I got. My heart the tech said looked normal so that is good. I will get another echo after I am done with chemo because one of the chemo drugs is hard on the heart.

I also got a call from the hospital yesterday and I need to be at the hospital at 7 am and not 7:30 for my port Cath. I guess I will be sedated for the procedure but it isn’t suppose to take that long. So that is good. Believe it or not I am actually looking forward to getting this little thing. My veins are very bad and I really hope I can keep this in me long enough to have all of the children that I want. I sure get enough blood draws while going through treatment to keep it in me!

We are suppose to get snow today here. Max has yet to really be in the snow so this should be fun for him. I will try to post pictures and video if this storm actually comes. I will also try to post pictures of my new hair style… that I will likely not have for long. Ha ha!
