Well we didn’t find out any hard answers. At least that is the short of it.
My biopsy that was taken on the 25 (of November) was sent to the National Institues of Health/National Cancer Institute. They concluded:
We cannot definatively distingush Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL) and T-cell/histiocyte-rich large B-cell lymphoma (T/HRBCL) in a small sample as this. NLPHL and T/HRBCL are related entitles and may coexist in the same specimen. Variant T-cell rich patterns of NLPHL may simulate T/HRBCL and hence, NLPHL cannot be entirely excluded in this material. Some of the features seen in this biopsy (lack of CD21, very few CD57+ cells, and lack of LgD expression by the large cells) are in favor of the T/HRBCL. Hence we recommend a larger biopsy for a more definitive assessment.
However in the bone marrow biopsy (taken last Friday) and sent to another lab, I have no sign of cancer but something “funny” is going on with my cells. I don’t have that pathology report so I can’t quote it.
My doctor’s conclusion was that I go for a second opinion to a place that can look at both biopsies and make a conclusion from them. She recomended that I go to the cancer center that is part of the hospital that I have given birth in. So I will be seeing that doctor on Wednesday (December 16).
I also know that the treatment for the 2 cancers mentioned above is different. However both deal with chemotherapy.
If this wasn’t enough. I have also been told to get an EKG. My CT scan on Monday showed “Soft tissue density in the prevascular space of the mediastinum, probably representing pericardial fluid or residual thymus.”
She told me that this is something that I could have had since birth. I have had several EKG’s in my life and nothing showed up so I figure this is just nothing. However as a precaution I need to get it checked out.
On the plus side though, my lymph nodes were clear in my chest! As well as my liver and spleen.
If you are reading this and are lost, don’t feel alone. Honestly I have no idea what I wrote for the most part. I just know that I walked out of the office today thinking “How in the world did I ever give birth to a full term baby? I am surprised I am even standing!” Ha ha!
Praying for you!
Also, my name is Kate, but it won’t let me post as that, so I have to be anonymous