Larry day 6…

Well I didn’t hear from my oncologist again today. No shock there as I didn’t think I would.

My nutritionist appointment was moved to Saturday because my nutritionist wasn’t feeling well. This actually works better for me as this way I will know my diagnosis and treatment plan before seeing her. This in turn will make so she can help me develop a plan for dealing with issues relating to that.

Today Max and I went to BJ’s (a big box mart) and did some shopping. I also stopped by Staples and got a 2 inch D ring binder for my Larry stuff. Most of my binders are white but I decided to get this one in hot pink. Nothing like putting Larry in his place. Ha ha!

I am very anxious for tomorrow’s appointment and sadly it isn’t first thing in the morning like my 2 prior appointments with her have been (7:45 and 8:00 repectively). It is at 2:15. However I do know it is a 30 minute appointment so hopefully all my questions will be answered. Tony is still trying to decide if he will come with me or not but I have a feeling he will end up coming with me. Tomorrow’s post I will post my Q and A with the doctor.

That is all for now.