Much overdue post…

Sorry I haven’t been updating everyday. I thought I would but I thought reading about trips to the grocery store or doing other seemingly mundane things would get boring to read.

Anyway, I had a nice visit with my family. That first Thursday we were out my aunt and uncle came down to my grandmother’s house. Then we had a family reunion with most of my mother’s family that following Saturday. Sunday my aunt came down and visited then went back the following day (Monday). Tuesday, we ate at a restaurant that I remember from my childhood. This restaurant had big cinnamon rolls that my mother and I were anxious to have… sadly they were out of them though. Wednesday I was out with my father and sisters. Saturday through Wednesday were very hot so we were only able to drive around till Max and my sisters were tired of that. After I dropped my father and sisters off, I returned to the restaurant that we were at the night before to get a cinnamon roll (not the same as I remember). My mother also returned to Florida that day. Thursday I was out and about with my father and sisters then I went out with my grandmother. Friday I went to the zoo with my father, step mother and sisters then we picked Tony up from the airport. Saturday we had breakfast at a place I had remembered as a child then a minor family reunion with my dad’s side of the family. It was just my aunt, step grandmother, father, step mother and sisters. Sunday we had a nice breakfast at grandma’s house then went over to my mom’s sister’s house and had huckleberry pie! We also went up to Tony’s parents house on Sunday and had dinner with some of my in laws friends. Monday we went to Seattle Center, and Pike Street Market with Tony’s brother and had dinner at a Japanese restaurant that cooked at the table. Max liked that! Yesterday Tony spent some time with his brother and I returned the rental car with my mother in law.

So that is the trip so far in a nutshell. I will expand later.