The other side of the cabin.

This is the other side of the cabin. The space with Lewis and luggage is the second childs bunk but this works well for us. There is space under the seats (on the floor) for luggage as well.
Our lunch today was interesting. We had the porter put us on the list for lunch, a while passed and Max fell asleep. Of coarse then we got called to the dining car. So my mom went to the car and asked if we could eat in our cabin. They said yes but refused to let us order at that time. We then had to wait for our porter to take our order and bring that to us. It all worked out in the end and it was nice to eat in our cabin… even with Max wide awake.
In case anyone is reading this to determine if they should take a train trip, I wanted to point out that there have been activites on the train. Last night there was a person talking about the sights along the way, and right now ther is a wine and cheese tasting taking place in the dining car. So reading and sleeping are not the only activites.
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