"The Beep"

Well this morning I woke up to a loud BEEEP. Sadly I can still hear this beep as I type. Our sump pump in the basement had it’s circuit trip. We didn’t know about this and the pump went off battery power. When that ran out the beep started. Sadly in order to fix this beep we need to charge the battery. This could take 24 hours! So we have about 11 hours to go as I type.

Needless to say Max’s day was a bit off today. He didn’t really want to sleep this morning. I tried just about everything short of just holding him and he wasn’t having it. Finally he fell asleep and stayed there for about 30 minutes then woke up not very happy. After that we went out of the house to escape the Beep!

We didn’t really have anywhere to go. I did most everything yesterday and was actually looking forward to a peaceful day at home today. I took Max to Big Lots since I have never been and we get flier to there. Then we went to Staples. I got some pads of paper and pens that I can carry in Max’s diaper bag. At a loss after that we went back home but sadly “the Beep” was still there.

So then we went to the park while I ate lunch. Max and I took some delightful pictures in the car (it was a bit cold still outside so we didn’t go on any of the stuff there). Then we went to a car wash to wash Maya the minivan. Max didn’t get upset as the washers washed and sprayed Maya. I am actually a bit surprised by this… maybe the scariness of this is later?

After that we went to the Home Depot. We looked at paint swatches for the bedrooms. I have decided that I want to paint our room (which is currently Max’s room though he never sleeps in there) a light mocha color. And I want to paint Max’s room (currently our room as we all sleep in there) a bright but not too bright yellow. My thought is after we have more children I can paint a color for them in their own corner. Yellow should go with all of the other colors and that can be by the door. I may change my mind on this next week but that is my current thinking.

Anyway we had fun looking at paint then looking at the garden supplies. I believe it was the first time in a long time that I didn’t spend a single cent when I went in to the Home Depot. After that we went home… and Max fell asleep. When we got home I checked and “the Beep” was still on. Max was still asleep in the car seat so we went for a bit of a drive back to our old place (where we lived prior to having the house). It was interesting and it ate some time but I returned home and Max was still asleep. I then called my dad. When I was done Max was still asleep. I called Tony. Max still slept.

Finally I had had enough. I didn’t like sitting by, in or around the car and I took Max inside. This woke him up.

Now we are still dealing with “the beep” and trying to carry on with normal night time things. Hopefully “the beep” will leave tomorrow!

Oh one last thing my moles that were removed last week are all normal. I got the call today.

Talk to you tomorrow!