That is my silly way of saying that Max has the cold that I had. He woke up this morning with a 101.0 fever (38.3 C). So I gave him Tylenol and it was able to go down to 99.4 (37.4 C). 7 hours later he was back up to 101.4 F (38.5 C). So I gave him Tylenol again. I am unsure of where he is at right now. However I can tell you that Max will not let me out of his sight. He only naps when I am holding him and I can’t walk out of the room without him protesting. I was expecting this but I wish that the diapers were in his room and not clean but in the basement!
Max’s cold seems to be better then mine in that he is not nearly as congested as I was and he doesn’t cough as much as I was/am. I am hopeful that he will be back to his normal self tomorrow as that is about as long as this lasted in me.
Well Max has lost his patients for me to do this so I better go. Please notice the poll I posted yesterday about a dog. I hope to include our pro/con list for each breed on here when we come up with them.
Hi Jennifer,
So sorry that Max has caught the cold. I’m sure you are both miserable at this point. Hopefully he will recover quickly.
I had meant to tell you that I thought a Havanese would be a good choice for a dog. My brother’s family has had one since his children were young and it has been a great dog and so cute. The other breed looks really cute too. I’m sure either one will make a good family pet.
Take care and get well soon Max!