Max today and yesterday…

Well I am finally on the mend I think. Yesterday I felt awful!! I was soo looking forward to the dog show though that I took a Tylenol (I don’t like taking meds when I am ill) and went anyway. Yesterday afternoon though it was all I could do to be a productive member of this family. Tony really got to know Max though so that is good.

Max seems to have missed my cold though. Shocking because he is ALWAYS at my side. It could be that he just has daddy’s immune system. Tony has been know to get ill for about 12 hours for something that would knock me out for 6 or more days! Yeah don’t we all wish we had his immune system!

Anyway we have narrowed down our dog choices yesterday to a Havanese or a Cavaliere King Charles Spaniel. These are both small dogs but I think they would fit well in our family.

We have got 2 books on these dogs and we are going to read about them and hopefully make a choice before the next local dog show at the beginning of May. Then we will be looking for a breeder to get our dog (hopefully) this fall.

Today we have been taking it easy and that seems to be good for the whole family.

Talk to you tomorrow!