Well today we got off to an early start as I had to go and visit the dermatologist. Max did well though, he was very good through the whole appointment even though it was longer then I would like as I had 2 moles removed from my back.
This is where I am going to make a public service announcement. I rarely make anything like this on my blog but since I first started going to a dermatologist on a regular basis I have begged and pleaded with my parents to see one annually. My mother has seen one but my father, has yet to. You see I really don’t like the sun. In fact I never really have. There is a story that both of my parents have told me of when I was 3 or 4 and we took a family trip to California and Arizona. I am not sure exactly where we were (though we were perhaps on a red road) and I got sooo hot that I pulled out a section of my hair. This made my mom rather upset because I didn’t get any hair until the age of 2. So needless to say I really don’t like the sun or heat as a general rule. My parents on the other hand both love the sun. My father can tan very easily that no joke (he is mainly English too) he has been mistaken as an African American when fully tan. My mom purposefully moved to Florida so need I say more.
I have had a total of 10 moles removed since I have been married to Tony (a bit over 5 years). At least one of these moles was questionable in nature. Please, for all the rest of you that read this blog, please get yourself checked out. If you were to ask my family if I would be at risk for this they would put me at the bottom of the list as I really don’t like the sun.
Okay off my soap box!
After the doctor visit, Max fell asleep and I drove around a bit before ending up at playgroup. Max had a bit of fun there but mostly ate and slept (he seems to do that alot there). Afterwords we went to a catholic store to get a rosary that Max can chew on. That will be for the woman’s group that I joined this week.
Since we have been home Max and I have been taking it easy. The morning was rather hectic and we just need to relax. Tomorrow should be a relaxing day and I hope to do a day in the life.
Talk to you tomorrow!
Thanks for the advice, you are right!
Have loved all the pictures of Max. He is growing so fast!
Take care, Rowena