Max today…

Well sorry about yesterday. I got busy and ended up having no time.

Max did rather well yesterday. I started trying to put him to bed roughly 2 hours after he woke up and this worked well most of the day. He is not a sleeper like I was (I have been told that I would sleep for 4 hours straight at nap time) but he did do fairly well with this set up.

Last night we attended a church function that we were requested to attend. I figured since Max’s bed time was moved to 8 pm and this function was to end at 8 it wouldn’t be THAT bad if we attended. So we did. Max was an absolute angel at the function. He did get tired but I was able to get him to sleep with little disruption. When the function had ended he woke up but I figured that in the 30 minute (about may be a bit less) car ride home he would fall back to sleep. You can imagine my shock when I heard him talking on the way home.

When we did get home Max seemed wide awake so I figured that he thought his nap in church was just that a nap. So we kept him up till he showed signs of being tired then we went up to bed. Well little did I know that we opened a can of worms!! Max had got OVER tired and for the next 1.5 to 2 hours we were bouncing between content to downright MAD with him. Finally we were able to get him to sleep and he was really out when we did. He slept in his crib for 2.5 hours. Something I don’t think he has done since we moved his crib into our room!

So we learned a few things about Max last night. 1st off, don’t take him out at night unless we absolutely have to. 2nd, if you do take Max out at night continue with the same nighttime routine when we get home, reguardless of how tired we may be. And 3rd Don’t forget lessons 1 and 2. Ha ha!

Today though Max has done very well. This morning he played with my while Tony did taxes. Yuck! Then this afternoon we went to the park with Max. It isn’t really warm out today but it was better then it has been so I thought it would be fun.

Pictures!!! Most of these were taken yesterday.

This picture is to just show his teeth. They are small but trust me you can feel them.

This is Max in the swing today.

And video!!!!
Max talking yesterday…

Max in the swing today…
