Max was having teething pain again yesterday afternoon/evening. Though we did use a cold teether and he seemed to do well with that. So that is good.
Last night Max slept well and went to sleep on his own well (though he was holding on to my finger). However he did the thing where he wakes up at 2 hours then gradually decreases that. When he was at 1.25 hours I gave up. I think he likes to snack at night and that isn’t good. I think I will probably just have to buckle down and do a night or 2 of sleeplessness in order to get things better. We shall see though.
Today Max and I went out to Staples to get a magnetic file folder holder. Our counterspace is at a premium and I thought this could work on the refrigerator for all the clutter that collects near the phone. Well although they had them there, they didn’t have any in stock. So off to Walmart we went. I was able to find something there that would work so that is good. Max did well in both stores and in the car ride. Even though I know at the end he was getting a bit hungry.
That is Max’s last 24 hours in a nutshell. He has been doing well and is currently sleeping. I am hoping that he can be in a somewhat good mood tonight for when Tony gets home… after all it is daddy’s birthday.
Edited to add – I don’t know if any of you go to Music Together class or not. However we purchased for Emily a baby CD from them when she was in the hospital. Well Max hears this CD in the car now. His FAVORITE song is Allee Galloo in it. In fact whenever Max is fussy you just need to sing him this song and 9 times out 10 he will be happy again. I tried to find a snippet of the song to link to and I can’t find it. Sorry!
Sorry no photos!
It’s so much fun to read a little something about your family everyday! I hope the sleeping thing gets better soon.
Happy Birthday to Tony!
Take care, Rowena