Max today…

Well Max and I have been inside the house for the last 24 hours. Max has been clingy the last 24 hours. In fact yesterday I was wondering if his muscles were sore from rolling over. You know how one gets sore after you first start exercising. I don’t think that is the case now but you never know.

He did sleep well last night. Which I am VERY thankful for! He is also taking a nice long nap right now which is good too!

Max hasn’t done a whole lot the last 24 hours that was unusual or anything.

This is Max’s “side car” crib now. His bed is about 1 inch below ours so it isn’t quite level.

This is how we attached the crib to our bed. We used tie down straps that one would use in a truck and wrapped them around the “box spring” of our bed. Sleep number beds don’t use a box spring, they use a platform and that is what we have. Sorry for the dark picture.

Happy baby in crib!

Max has been happier then in this picture but look how expressive he is!

That is all for today!