Well today Max decided that he would try rolling and rolling. The bad news is he didn’t tell daddy that he wanted to do this. Ha ha!
I was upstairs trying to set up the monitor so I could see Max while he is in his crib (which is now attached to our bed… we have a video monitor). So Tony was watching Max while he got ready for work (eat breakfast, make lunch, etc…). Well Tony left Max under his gym and went to make his lunch. He could see they gym from the kitchen. Next thing he knew Max wasn’t there! Max had rolled in the general direction of the stairs to go upstairs (where our bedroom is and where I was). Tony said he wasn’t complaining or anything he was just going.
Needless to say, I raced to the computer and ordered the play pin that we were planning on getting him. I knew it would be soon that we would need it but I am a bit shocked that my son who is only 4 months + is mobile.
In other news I forgot to mention that Max apparently likes NASCAR. We had the Datona 500 on on Sunday. Tony was watching Max while doing other things and I went outside to hang diapers. We had the windows open in the living room. Well I could hear Max squeal with delight as he was watching the race. I thought it was a bit funny.
I put up a poll on the right. I have no idea when I started to walk but I am told that Tony started walking at 7 months.
These were both taken yesterday morning:
Video from yesterday morning:
Video from this morning (WARNING I was listening to talk radio when this was taken):
I will try to get more video this afternoon for tomorrow.
Max is amazing! Rowena
Go Max! Love the clothes you make for him! They are very cute and you have a wonderful talent.