Day 143…

Hello everyone!

Max has been quite active in the last 24 hours. We were able to set up his crib so that it was attached to our bed (I will try to take a photo of this for tomorrow) and I was able to sleep in my own bed again last night! Yay! Max slept about 50% in his crib and the other 50% was attached to me or barely in our bed. Well at one point I put Max in his crib and he was so tired and disorientated that he rolled on to his side that he thought I was on (I was actually on the other side of him). When he didn’t find me he continued to roll and ended up rolling from back to front! I then encouraged him to sleep on his belly and he did… for about 10 minutes then he rolled over belly to back and went back to sleep again.

At 5 am he decided that it was time for us all to get up so he made sure we knew what he wanted very loudly. I got up with him and about 30 minutes later Tony joined me.

Max did do well in church today. He looked around and at one point before services started he was clearly board and started singing a song that we play for him quite often and often sing to him. So that was neat to hear him sing. I only had to remove Max once from the sanctuary even though he was awake for the whole service except for the last 2 minutes. So that is good.

This is Max’s outfit yesterday. I still have to put buttons on his sweater but it worked good for him yesterday none the less.

Max with Daddy. Tony doesn’t look the best here but Max looks good and that is important.

Max (still being held by daddy).

Max asleep at bible study today.

Someone has suggested that I go to the aquarium on Max’s 5 month 5 day day. So if any of you that live locally would like to go to the aquarium with us on March 3 please let me know (you can send an email to Max at the address to the right).

That is all I have for now!