Max day 141

Well I thought I would try to take time out of the day and write a bit everyday. Not sure how long this will last but I am starting to get Max down for naps so that is a positive thing.

Yesterday was a warm day. I went out several times without a coat, however it was extremely windy so Max and I couldn’t take a walk. We also didn’t leave the house because of the wind. It was garbage day and I found it was a near full time job just to make sure that our garbage didn’t blow down the street.

However today the sun is shinning and the wind is way down. Unfortunately it is also cooler today. If it gets above 45 degrees (about 7 C) then we will go for a walk.

I am happy to say that today Max seems to be rolling over without fear!!! So that is good. He also is VERY close to rolling over back to belly. Today I was laying on the floor with him and I put out my hand and he crossed body and grabbed it. Then he tried to roll over. I let go of his hand and then put my hand so he could not move his leg back down (so it was more of a block then a push) and he finished rolling all the way over. YaY!!! Hopefully it will not be long before he finishes the job!

These pictures are from this morning.

Max has really started to like his jumperoo. We have it in our guest room because we are doing some work in the living room (which I will talk about when it is done). Here he is playing yesterday.

Last night I decided I would try to get him to sleep better then make him sleep in his own bed. So last night I slept with him again in the guest room. We both slept okay but at 3:30 am he thought it was wake up time. At 4 am I changed his diaper and thankfully he went back to sleep… though it was short lived. He woke up at 5 and looked at me like I was being silly because I wanted to sleep a bit more. Silly guy!

Well tomorrow we are going to go and get Tony’s and mine eyes checked. I imagine that Tony’s prescription will change, and my eyes will be as good as ever (I have better then 20/20 vision).

I also want to give you an update on my step brother. He went in for surgery on Wednesday (again) and it sounds like after one more surgery (not the one on Wednesday) he should be better. Please pray that he will have somewhat of a normal life now.

Thank you and I hope everyone has a good day!