Sorry for the delay in my post!
Max is doing well. Last week Max decided that he wanted to do this thing where he wakes up every hour at night. Needless to say this is not something I would like him to do. So last Sunday we went to Barnes and Noble and got “The No Cry Sleep Solution” and “Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child”. We are doing the No Cry right now and if it doesn’t work then we will go to the Happy Child book. I did a sleep journal and was shocked to find out that Max is out 3 hours of sleep a day! So today I am putting him down as soon as he is showing any interest in sleeping. Hopefully tonight I will have a better night! Last night I was up about 5 times and that is after I put him to bed earlier!
In other news I found out that Max doesn’t like rolling over anymore (belly to back). This may have something to do with the fact that when he would roll over he would hit his head on our hardwood floors (subfloor is wood as well and there is a carpet over the hardwood but no padding). So I got him a foam mat that should make this a bit softer for him. Now however he HATES to roll over. So I am putting him on his belly and when he does roll over (which isn’t often) I praise him tremendously (more then I normally would). Hopefully we will conquer this fear yet. He is almost ready to roll over in the other direction (back to belly) so he needs to get over this fear soon!
Max is talking a lot more lately. He loves to talk!
Max is also playing with more things lately. He has to have a toy when we are in the car now. In fact today we went to the dry cleaner and I forgot a toy for him so he decided that his blanket needed to go in his mouth! Ha ha!
Max is picking up on sign language quite well. The other day we had him in his crib while Tony and I were doing other things. Well Tony went in there to find him pointing up and upset. I guess he didn’t figure out that if you point up and no one is there it doesn’t work. Ha Ha!
Max is up I will post more at next nap.
Okay it is a new day so here I am. Max didn’t go down for another nap yesterday. He ended up going to bed around 5 and then woke up when Tony got home for a bit then was up at 9:30 and I gave up at that point and co-slept with him in the guest room for the rest of the night.
Max and I had to take the car in on Tuesday and I had my first time of moving a carseat in and out of a car. I must say. Whoever invented Latch needs to be nominated for sainthood. Seriously I don’t know what I would have done without latch. It made the instillation into the “loaner car” so much easier. I am sure I wouldn’t have been able to do this (without Tony’s help as he was at work) with out latch! Good news is the car is fine.
That is about all I can think of. I will go get the camera and upload some photos.
These were both taken February 5th. They were also taken back to back.
This is Max on February 9th (He is wearing a sweater then I am making for him).
These are both pictures of our snow storm on February 4th. Just so you know yesterday it was 65 degrees (about 18 C) here and today it is about 58 (about 14 C) degrees (though very windy!)
These were all taken on February 10th.
I hope you enjoy!
Hi Jennifer,
I got my computer working again and now have my “favorites” back. So fun to see your post and all the cute pictures. Also love the snow pictures. We had quite a bit of snow in our local mountains last weekend but we just got lots of rain. We need rain desperately so it was nice.
Good luck with the sleeping challenge. Hopefully the new things you are trying will work. My daughter is still having trouble getting Jenna (9mo) to sleep through the night. It’s just a habit that is hard to break.
Have a great day. Rowena