Sorry I didn’t post earlier. I got my yarn to make some “longies” and I spent my free moments making them.
Max had his 4 month check up on Tuesday. Here are his current stats:
Height – 0.686 m (2 foot 3 inches or 27 inches)
Weigh – 6.801 kg (14 pounds 15.9 ounces)
Head Circumference – 41.3 cm (16.26 inches)
This means that Max is very tall (above 95 percentile) and fairly skinny (around 50th percentile). His head circumference is in the 25th percentile range.
We got instruction on feeding him solids but he will not be getting those till he is 6 months… which we have another appointment (March 27).
Max did well with his immunizations and cried appropriately. I gave him one dose of Tylenol and that was about all he seemed to need.
I have started using sign language with Max and he seems to be getting the idea of it. Up he really seems to be getting and will (albeit clumsily) try to sign it when prompted.
Max loves to stand now. And he is starting to understand that sitting is a good thing. I have even got out his booster seat and I can use it for a few minutes while I do other things in the kitchen. He is getting to be such a big boy!
The doctor at his appointment was a bit shocked when I told him that he will purposefully move objects from hand to hand. He really likes to study things too. The other day he was on his back under his gym. Well there was a wet bag just out of his reach and I could tell he really wanted to get it. He couldn’t figure out that he just needed to roll onto his belly and he would have likely got it but he did try to do it every way he knew how for a few minutes before he gave up. Clearly he has some of his daddy in him.
We did get a snow storm this week. We got about 3 inches of snow (maybe 4) but it melted for the most part by that night. Sadly it then froze and it was a sheet of ice the next morning. So that was fun dealing with yesterday.
Well that is about all I have for now. Today is my estranged sister’s birthday. She turns 20… hard to believe that she is that old.
Max giving mommy a kiss!
These 3 photos are Max’s new longies that I made. The first picture Max wasn’t happy but he let me try them on him.
This is the snow we got. It was taken from the inside of the house and it was about as much as we got. It was starting to rain at that point forward.
To me this picture is 110% Max. This is how he looks at me most of the time and this is just him.
Max surprised at the camera. Ha ha!
Oh one last thing, I know that cloth diapers are not for everyone but we sure enjoy them. I just wanted to share them with you.
Max is getting so big! Such a cutie. You’re doing a great job with him and your sewing is impressive. Where do you find the time?! Keep up the good work!
awwwe hes getting so big Jen! what a great job you are doing with him.
love from BC, Canada