Sorry it has taken me so long to write! We had family here for 2 weeks during the holidays and before that I was working every free moment to get our holiday letter out! Those of you that got it I am sure you can see why!
Max is growing like a weed! We weighed him yesterday and he is 14.2 lbs with just a diaper on. I didn’t measure how tall he is but I know he is also bigger there too!
He is developing better and better head control! 2 weeks ago he was rather floppy in his head control now you can see that he is MUCH better! In fact we got Max a Jumperoo for Christmas and while he can’t touch the floor (we have put up some books under him to jump on… this is just temporary till he is tall enough to use the toy as intended, and he loves it!
Max is also doing a wonderful little trick in that he will grab your finger and if you put it cross body he will roll from back to front. For those of you that are curious he controls if he rolls over or not. All he needs to do is let go and he will go back to where he was. Yesterday (our first day in 2 weeks with just mommy) he was even grabbing me while changing his diaper. Clearly he loves this game (though I hope he doesn’t think he can roll over on the changing table!!)
Max did well with all the relatives but clearly he was a bit out of his element. He was rather clingy to me and at times didn’t even tolerate daddy very well. So because of this he has his sleep schedule all messed up! Yuck! However Max is doing well now.
It was nice to see all of our family though. My grandmother had never been to New Jersey so that was nice. And it was nice to be able to do things with people since typically Tony and I are by ourselves.
Max’s baptism went well. He slept through most of it. As we get picture from people of that I will post them.
On Saturday, December 13th I did a Day in the life of Maximillian, here it is:
1:00 am – eat
1:30 am – sleep
3:00 am – eat
3:30 am – sleep
4:00 am to 5:00 am – Eat, sleep, eat, sleep
5:00 am – eat, sleep, up Diaper change (wet)
5:30 am – swing (10 minutes) eat, sleep
6:00 am – sleep, awake, smile, Diaper change (poo)
6:30 am – play in gym
7:00 am – play with mommy/gym
7:30 am – play with daddy
8:00 am – sleep
9:00 am – wake up, diaper change (wet), change clothes, eat, in car
9:30 am – sleep in car
10:30 am – sleep on daddy (mommy in nutritionist appointment)
11:30 am – sleep in car
12:00 pm – Eat, diaper change (poo) walk around mall (mommy and daddy purchased freezer and got Max some new shirts, socks and hat)
12:30 pm – asleep on mommy at mall
1:30 pm – Wake up at mall
2:00 pm – Drive home
2:30 pm – eat
3:00 pm – play with daddy
3:30 pm – play by self in swing
4:00 pm – eat and sleep
5:00 pm – daddy time (after wake up) diaper change (wet)
5:30 pm – floor play
6:00 pm – eat
6:30 pm – bath (wet diaper)
7:00 pm – play with mommy
7:30 pm – bed (he was WAY crabby at this point)
I will be doing another day in the life of Maximillian soon. Probably late this week early next week.
While Tony’s parents were out, Tony and his father painted our hallway. It is so nice to have our paint on the walls and not the prior owners. Along these lines I would be very happy if anyone has any suggestions of what we can paint our current bedroom. We are going to make our bedroom Max’s bedroom once we go back to get a sibling(s) for Max. It is a bigger bedroom and therefore it better for that. However we don’t want to have to repaint when we move him. I also want a color in there and not a non color (beige, white or similar are out). I was thinking a light green would work for both a boy and a girl. What are other people’s thoughts? It needs to be a fairly light color because of the way the room is structured with a typical cape style ceiling with slanted ceilings and low walls.
We have had 2 milestones pass since my last writing. The first was on January 4th it has been one year since I started taking the stimulation medications that I took to get Max. So that is a happy day!
Sadly yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of loosing Emily. We will always miss our little girl (and other girl and 2 boys) but Max does make things easier. It felt like we would never get here and I know both Tony and I are grateful for every day that we have with our wonderful little boy. Tony has even commented on how thankful when Max has a temper tantrum (which we all know babies do) that we are thankful that we are blessed to have a child that is well enough to do so. If you remember the last month of Emily’s life she couldn’t get upset because it would put too much strain on her heart.
The last year flew as fast as the last 2.5 years have. I am sure I will blink and then be going back to get some of our frozen children. I just want to take this moment and thank everyone that takes time out of their busy lives to read about me and my family. Your words of encouragement and prayers have helped us tremendously.
That is all I can think of for now. I need to get one more video on here but the one that I took was too large so I will do that later.
Hi Jennifer,
So good to hear from you today. I’m so glad you had family with you for Christmas. Looking forward to the latest pictures of Max. I will check back later today.
Happy New Year, Rowena
Hi Jennifer, Tony and Max,
So great to read another update. I’m delighted you had a good Christmas with Family. I hope you have a really great 2009.
I love the play equipment you have Max playing in, is it just a bouncy one or does it have wheels where he can propel himself around as well.
As for a colour for your room, a really pale green or an eggshell blue would be good colours. Blue always goes well even for girls especially if it is a pale blue. You could always dress it up with pictures later too. I don’t know if you have it over there, but here in Australia you can get a paint that has a magnetic effect and you can get characters that are also magnetic so you can move them anywhere on the wall that you wish and the kids can play with them too when they are older and make up lots of stories.
What is your weather like over there just now, if you have too much cold and snow you are welcome to send some over to me. Lately we have had temps in the high 30 Degree Centigrades.
I am so pleased Max and yourselves are doing so well, he looks like he is such a happy chappy too. I look forward to more entries in the near future. I check here everyday sometimes more just incase you have added more news.
Take Care and Enjoy
Lots of Love Carolynn XXXXX