Prayer request…

My step brother is in the hospital again and this time he has heart problems in additon to his ulsertative colitus/crohns disease. I guess his PCP ignored his heart condition for several months and now he is paying the price. As you can imagine this is all a lot to take in.

For those who may not remember my step brother her is a bit of background. He is an identical twin who was born at 26 weeks 28 years ago. Obviously he has been through a lot with just that. His brother is completely fine. No known medical problems. A few years ago he got diagnosed with Crohns disease. Then in the last year he had that changed to ulserative colitus then it went back to crohns. I guess the doctors are not sure which one it is now and they can’t agree. He has been in and out of hospitals this year but he hasn’t been in a hospital for some time now. They have been trying different medications on him in an attempt to save his colon. So far this has worked but clearly now his luck may have run out. This heart thing is something completely new though. My mom is having a hard time understanding exactly what my step father is saying about his condition however his heart is either stopping for a short periods of time (I don’t think this would be it) or his heart is beating backwords every so often (I don’t understand how that would work either). Either way it isn’t good.

So I am asking for prayers for his (his name is Justin) colon, heart and for his mental health. I know he was on antidepressants and I am sure that all of this isn’t helping.

Thank you!