This is Max in one of his Piddle Poddles diapers. He is also wearing his “baby legs” or leg warmers.
We started “sunning” his diapers this week. Here you see part of his diaper collection hanging on the line.
I think this is Max doing his “happy pirate” look. As you can see he is sitting on a pirate themed boppy cover. Ha ha!
This is Max yesterday in his church clothes. Notice his wonderful new hairstyle. Ha ha!
Happy bath Max! Taken 11/16/08
Max sucking on my arm. Taken 11/16/08
Max at bath time. Taken 11/16/08
Max this morning in his baby legs and another Piddle Poddle diaper.
Max today.
Well as you can see Max has had some fun this week. Max and I also went and got his baptismal gown. He has yet to try it on but I hope he doesn’t need a size 6 month outfit when it come time for him to baptized. He is getting Baptized on December 28th.
That is all I have for now. I will try to get more pictures this week!
Hi Jennifer,
Great pictures. Max is thriving! I love his leggings-never seen those before. Of course, it is 90+ where I live right not. Thankfully it does cool down at night. Also, thankfully we have not had the fires this year!
Thanks for the pictures and the update! Rowena