Jennifer gave birth on Friday, September 26, to a 8 lb., 1 oz. baby boy. Despite making it to full term with an unevenful pregnancy, and a delivery free from complications, we once again find ourselves in for a long stay in the Intensive Care Nursery. The doctors can’t give us a straight answer but Max is having trouble breathing and needs a lot of oxygen. At first they thought he was having trouble adapting to using his lungs. They call this TTN (transient tachypnea of a newborn). He was breathing very fast and grunting in the delivery room, so they took him to the ICN for “a few hours’ observation”, expecting him to get better in a few hours. He didn’t so now they are saying his lungs are immature. This makes no sense to us because he was born at term, so either the doctors are grasping at straws or we have to resign ourselves to a stay in the ICN with every future pregnancy. They put him on a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine to help him breathe, but this seems to have caused pneumo thorax, which is essentially a collapsed lung on one side. Now they’re saying that they ‘hope’ he will be able to go home by his due date, but they don’t sound optimistic.
First and most importantly, welcome Max, and congrats to your family!
I know these are not the first few days you envisioned, but I pray that these issues resolve quickly.
My daughter developed preeclampsia when pregnant with my oldest granddaughter resulting in her birth at 27 weeks 5 days – she spent 74 days in the NICU, and is a perfectly normal 7 year old now. With her second child, she had a scheduled C-Section at 38 weeks, and went in thinking all would be “normal” – however, even at this close to term, her lungs were not quit mature, and she spent a few days in the NICU, and is now almost 5.
I am praying for little Max….and for you both, too.
Jenn and Tony,
I am so very sad to hear this update. Please stay positive and remember a lot of people are praying for you.
First of all, congratulations on little Max’s arrival.
I am so sorry to hear of the complications. I have been following you all for over two years, but not posted.
I will continue to keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
I’m so sorry to hear about Max’s rough start – I hope its a short ICN stay.
I’ve got you all in my prayers!
I have been following your story but never commented. I had my second boy just over 4 years ago at the same weeks of gestation. He also had the same grunting and breathing issues. It took my docs almost 2 days to find the pneumo thorax. He was also put on a cpap and then a ventilator. They put in a chest tube to on one side and drew air out of the other side with needles. He stayed on the vent for 5 days and in the nicu for 10 days. He pulled through beautifully. They were some tough days but with family love and support we made it through. The best advice is to not think about how long it will take but that he will heal in his own time. I will keep him in my families prayers.
I read “not again” and I thought Max had passed away. I’m so happy that he is alive! I am sorry that you have to be in the NICU. I’ll pray that his lungs mature and that he’ll be able to come home soon!
~Mom to 5, 3 living and all in the NICU for months…
Thinking more about when this happened to my son I remembered that they told me the c-section babies are more apt to this. Because part of the delivery process when they are exiting is it helps get the lungs prepared for breathing. The lungs do not ‘pop’ open until that first cry and if they aren’t ready it causes the pnuemo thorax. I was very confused by all this and asked lots of questions. They did tons of x-rays to check the lungs progress. I hope this info helps.
Congrats to your beautiful baby boy, I have been patiently awaiting the pictures of him I Pray he will be Okay and he will be able to go home soon….I am thinking of you both right now all our love from BC, I will be checking in for updates, Praying hard for your family that everything will be okay:) Tawny
I have followed your blogs since the birth of your triplets and have been anxious to hear news of Max’s birth.
My heart is sad reading your post today….it’s a road we’ve walked with each of our children and expect to walk again with baby #3 in the spring. It’s hard but just know that lots of people are thinking of your family and sweet Max. I hope that they are able to figure out what’s going on with your little man and that he’s home with you soon…very soon.
Oh, Tony and Jennifer, I’m so sorry things aren’t going as you’d hope. Congratulations on Max’s arrival, though, and I hope he’s all better very soon!
Jennifer and Tony,
I just want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Praying for a quick recovery for Max and that he’s home soon. Hang in there.
Jennifer and Tony,
I am so sorry that this is happening. We are pulling for you guys and little Max. I hope that his pneumothorax recovers as well as Hallie’s did (she has no negative consequences from it at all).
All thoughts and prayers are going your way.
Abby, Sharon, and Hallie
I’m praying for Max.
Congratualtion on the birth of your son, and I will be praying for him, and you both also. Wendy
I hope this isn’t weird for you guys, but I don’t know you. However, I’ve been following your blog for some time. I’m so sad that little Max is having troubles. I’ll be thinking about you and praying for all three of you to have strength. Good luck!
I am so sorry that you have to experience the ICN once again. I know this can happen, however, it would be nice to bypass the ICN this time.
We will continue to pray for you, take care,
I’m so very sorry to hear this! I’ll be praying for you guys every time I think of you.
Oh my, I am so very sorry to hear this news. I’m praying this is a short-term problem that will resolve quickly so you can bring that beautiful boy home soon! Hang in there, and know you are being surrounded with prayer.
Congrats on your new baby boy!
I will be praying for him to start breathing well and stabilize so that you can bring him home. I’ll keep both mom and dad in my prayers as well. Please keep us posted on Max’s progress!
Dear Jennifer, Tony and Max,
We are thinking of you and waiting for the good news that Max is breathing well and ready to see his new home. Hang in there you guys! You have come so far and are almost home 🙂
Don’t forget we are anxiously awaiting pictures of your sweeie.
Love Nana and Ye Ye
As a visitor to your blog for many, many months, I am sorry to hear that Max’s birth didn’t go as you planned. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time.
Praying for a speedy recovery for Max. May God Bless the entire family.
Oh guys, my heart goes out to you and Max at this time. I pray the doctors can give you some answers in the near future and that Max will be breathing well on his own very soon. I will keep checking in. Hugs to you both!
Delurking to offer my prayers. I hope Max will get to go home soon. I’m no stranger to ICUs and hospitals – it’s miserable, I know.
Praying for Max!