The move went well. We are still getting out a few things from this place but Tony has to do all the work right now. I am typing on a laptop hooked up to the internet. The house is filled with boxes. I actually think it is a good thing that we don’t have TV or internet for a while. Seriously we can’t walk into our diningroom/livingroom. We have the glider for Max in his room and that is about the only chair we have up right now. The couch has no cushions on it…nor if it did would you be able to sit on it since boxes go right up to it. Our bed comes apart so it is in many pieces right now but in our bedroom (step in the right direction). I have no idea where the bath mat is for the bathroom and I pray that the shower curtain rod that we just purchased fits.
I should have taken a picture of the moving van when it was filled. They litterly had to have someone hold stuff in as the door came down. I drove the moving van and that was fun… though I wish the radio and the AC worked a bit better. Then there was the whole issue of having to turn down street that I later found out was a dead end. a 8 point turn later I was back at U haul and thankful that the truck was done.
We are still trying to clean the new house. The refrigerator is gross to say the least and I refuse to put my food in there till it is clean… sadly though with my condition I can’t do much more then delegate. I have a feeling that the carpeted stairs may be not carpeted much longer. Tony vacuumed them last night and they have enough hair on them now for a small dog… or perhaps 2.
Anyway Max and I relaxed most of the day… watched the news, heard the baseball scores and that was about it. Tomorrow is more of the same I imagine, short of the news and baseball. Ha ha!
Hey guys,
I’m glad to hear the move went well… but I can’t believe you drove the truck, Jennifer! Although I was excited to drive my moving truck too, but I wasn’t big and pregnant. Hehehe. How in the world did you climb up? Anyway, I just wanted to pop on and say hi and let you know I was checking out the blog. I can’t wait to see Max 🙂
Luv, Rebecca