Hello everyone!
Well Tony and I are living in a sea of boxes. All of the stuff is removed from our closets (who knew we had so much) and we have divided things into 2 camps. One area is for all the things we don’t trust putting in a moving van. The rest of the house is for all the things that we are putting in the moving van. So I guess we are getting close. I plan on taking a picture of our sea today or tomorrow. I just think it is funny to watch things grow… we have a picture of our sea of boxes when we moved from Cambridge, Massachusetts about a year after we got married. Trust me it has grown. Ha ha!
I should let everyone know that we will be without Internet access for about 2 weeks after this Friday. I plan on going to Kinko’s and using their computer at least once during this time to update the blog, however we will not have access at home. We live in an area that full of colleges and universities (not sure of the difference there) and all the students are coming in right now. So the company that we are getting our Internet, TV and home phone service from is going to be tending to them. Ironically we have our appointment for September 11th.
My step brother is out of the hospital. I guess he has been given a medication that means that he can’t have surgery for a while and they are going to try him on yet another treatment. He still isn’t doing well emotionally (not that I blame him) but hopefully he will be feeling better soon. Please continue to pray for him.
Max is doing well. He gets the hiccups about 3 times a day (on average) he also wakes up every morning between 4 am and 5:30. He is most active around the 8:30 – 9:30 pm. I am not sure exactly when he stops being active as I have been able to tune him out and go to sleep myself. I guess I should try to adjust my schedule on that soon. Ha ha!
Questions that were asked:
The market around here is in a period of plateau if not rising slightly. We live in an area that is close to two major cities (well if you consider 1-1.5 hours close, however you can access either by commuter train) and this area really never saw the down turn that some other areas did see. If anything it just leveled off for a bit. To be quite honest the only thing that could really effect things now is if we have an increase in property taxes. This state is famous for high property taxes.
As far as the pond you have nothing to worry about. I knew when I saw it that it would be one of the first things to go. That is not to say that Max will not ever be around water. My mother lives on the water and when we visit her Max will have to learn that he can’t play around when he is near the sea wall or on the dock. However I don’t ever envision a time that Max will be alone outside there… at least not till he is much older. Also for those who know me from my childhood, this pond is about the size of a mud puddle. Seriously the house in Battle Ground had bigger ponds and they weren’t even called that. Though I do remember the day that we had a duck land in our “mud puddle” in the front yard… I don’t think any duck would land near this pond unless they were REALLY lost. HA ha!
Max’s room is going be done in a tropical pirate theme. I am still trying to figure out exactly what to do with the walls. I have an idea but I am unsure exactly what the finished product will look like. However I did recently order and receive his crib bedding as the pattern that I liked is now discontinued.
Well that is all I have for now! Talk to you later!
Good morning. Thanks for all the good information. You must be getting excited. When does your moving van actually come?
Too bad about the internet service. Will miss your updates for the next couple of weeks. However, by the time you are back “on” it will be very close to Max’s arrival!
Good luck with everything. Rowena