Sorry for my delay in writing this. With the move and all our camera went in one place and we didn’t go there. So that took a bit of time to fix.
My OB appointment last week was short and to the point. I believe it took me longer to park the minivan then it did for appointment. Max is doing well. On the way back though I had a bit of a scare. There was pointless stop and go traffic. The kind where there is no accident or anything, it is just stop and go. Well I was in the center lane and following an ice cream truck (of all things) when all of a sudden I heard a bang to my left. I look in the driver’s side mirror and see a full size truck bouncing off the center divider and headed towards the rear driver’s side of minivan. Just then the traffic starts moving a bit and I am able to inch forward just enough so that the out of control truck doesn’t hit me! He cuts across 3 lanes of traffic before coming to a stop. Thank goodness it was only a single car (truck) accident since everyone was stopped because of the stop and go traffic. I also don’t think the driver of the truck was injured… though it was hard to tell from my vantage point. So that was my excitement for that day!
The rest of the week was relatively quiet. I have been watching Olympics and that is about it. I am getting tired easily so I try not to do too much.
Max has been doing all sorts of kicking. I am starting to think that some of it is a game for him. He puts his foot slight out against my belly then I tickle it and he pulls it back. Then he does it again. Yesterday I missed (because I was busy doing something else) that he wanted to play this game and stuck his foot out a little bit, then when he didn’t get his desired response he stuck it out even further… causing pain to me. Then he felt bad and found his thumb and quieted down again. Silly little boy!
Then Saturday night, Sunday morning – Max decided to do some dancing inside me. He was moving everything for about 30 minutes. It was actually fun to watch my belly move that much. 30 minutes later it was over. But he picked it up again at 2:30 am and that was as much fun then. Ha ha!
I have a prayer request. One of my step brothers (they are twins who were born at 26 weeks gestation 27 years ago… I think it was 27 years ago) is in the hospital. He has had issues for a while and they don’t know exactly what he has. It is either ulserative colitis or Crohn’s disease. He is in a bit of pain and I imagine at this point is tired of not having any answers to all these issues that he has been having. They keep on trying him on one medication then another. From what I hear he isn’t in good spirts and could use all the prayers he can get. Thank you!
Well I have another doctor’s appointment this Thursday, and we should be closing on our house and moving next week! So I will try to get another posting on here before we move… then we will be updating from our new house (at that point I will also start an email account for Max for if anyone wants to talk to him).
Talk to you later!
Hi Jennifer,
You certainly have alot going on in your life right now! Your look wonderful and VERY pregnant. How great is that!
Hope that your house closing and move go smoothly. My husband used to be in the Navy and we mover every two or three years and I lo
ved it. It was such a good way to clean out. Now we have been in the same house for many years and we have way too much stuff.
I’m so sorry to hear about your step brother. I will be praying for him, both for a good diagnosis and an uplifted spirit. Hopefully he will feel the prayers coming!
Sounds like Max is continuing to be very active. It will be fun to see how he comes out! He’ll probably end up being a perferctly calm baby in the outside world.
Take care and good luck these next couple of weeks with all you have to do!
Jennifer, you look AMAZING!!! You look so cute with your bump! So glad to hear things are going well and SO glad that you are almost at 33 weeks! Doesn’t it feel weird to be 30 something weeks pg? 🙂
I am continuing to pray for you and I am praying for you move as well!