Here I am! I measured myself last night and I am now 43 inches around. Oh my! I seem to be gaining about an inch a week so that means I should be around 53 inches by the time I deliver. We shall see though.
Sorry I haven’t been posting that much. In all honesty there is not much happening with us. Max is moving about from time to time. Some days I think he moves in his sleep because he moves so much I don’t know how he sleeps. It is now getting fun to watch my belly do all the gyrations that Max makes it do.
I have also started to realize some of the fun things that come in the third trimester. Since this is all new to me I didn’t know what to expect. I wake up nauseous and it really doesn’t matter what I eat. I just am like that for a bit after I wake up. Also about halfway through the day I get tired. However sleeping makes me have the nauseous thing again so I don’t like taking naps. I joke that it is like I am in the first trimester again only I can’t move nearly as well. Ha ha!
Max is showing us some of his opinions. He doesn’t like seat belts… at least on me. It is very rare that I am in the car with the seat belt on that he isn’t protesting in the one area that the seat belt is crossing his path. It doesn’t seem to matter if the seat belt is loose or tight, he doesn’t like it. To my surprise not only has he found the lower seat belt, but now he also finds the upper seat belt (cross body) and doesn’t like that either!
Max also doesn’t like the heat! I get into a hot car and he protests within 1-2 minutes. He could be sleeping prior to me getting into the car but he will wake up and not like it! I guess it is a good thing that he is being born when he is. It will be a while before he really sees the hot weather.
Max also doesn’t like me to wear elastic waistband pants. He will find the waist band and push against it. I have 2 pairs of pants that he doesn’t mind but if I should wear one of the others he throws a fit! You can just imagine how often I have to do the laundry. Ha ha!
Max still doesn’t like me laying on my left side. He seems to respond to light and darkness now. Last night I was watching TV in the living room with the light on then I went to bed and it got dark. About the time that I laid down he kicked as if to say “where is the light?”
I am really looking forward to the ultrasound in a few weeks. We have NO idea where his head is and it is creating some interesting games for us to try to figure out. Max likes to put something (bottom or head) near my ribcage on my right hand side. It pops out every now and then and you can easily feel that it is him. It is actually quite a new experience for us. Anyway we have been guessing what this bump could be. Ultrasound should help clear that up!
Well that is about all I have for now. My gestational diabetes test went well on Friday, though I still have a bruise from it. Hopefully I will pass that test.
Good morning Jennifer,
You look great! Can’t believe how big you are geeting. Isn’t is wonderful!!!
Sounds like Max is doing so good. He is certainly making his dislikes known.
We are off early tomorrow morning for a two week trip so I will check in on you when we return.
Have a great day, Rowena
Hey Jennifer!
When I saw the picture of you at the top of this post, I smiled from ear to ear. It is *SO* good to see you with a large, 3rd trimester baby bump. It makes my heart sing. ((((((Jennifer)))))) I am getting really excited now! I can’t imagine how excited YOU must be!
Love in Christ,
Kristina in GA
You look great as always! Keep smiling!
I love to see you big and preggo! I know you’re excited.
Katie in Dallas
Way to go, Jennifer! You are doing so well with this pregnancy and I am so very glad for this. You and Tony deserve another 10 to 12 uneventful weeks and one full term, healthy little boy at the end of all of this.
Abby (and Sharon and Hallie)
just got back from Vacation…your looking great love from BC Canada , Tawny.