Sorry for the long absence from my postings. We have been very hectic around here lately. I will go into it but not now.
I did go to the doctor on Monday. I posted something about this on a message board the next day. I believe I said it well so here it is…
I had my OB appointment yesterday. Honestly I don’t know why this doctor books up so fast. I didn’t like her at all! My OB practise that I go to requires that all PG women go to all the doctors that might deliver them at least once. This was the last doctor on my list and I had to go to a different site just to see her. This other site is also in the state I live in (I will deliver in a neighboring state). Anyway so I go in there and it is a completely different atmosphere then the other site. I didn’t even have to sign in. Anyway they call me back to the room. They don’t have the information from my chart so I have to tell the nurse simple things like my EDD and c-section date. She leaves the room and comes back with the information she needed from the other site (Funny that I can go to a doctor way up here and they can see my whole medical history on a computer but this site lacks that ability). She then tells me that this state requires that in this stage of my pregnancy that I be offered an HIV test again. Now I went through IVF so I had an HIV test then. I didn’t wave the HIV test when I got pregnant because I had other tests that needed to be done at the time and it was simpler to just order that too. But do you really think that my status on this issue has changed in 3 months? So I refused it. Then she makes me sign and fill out a form that I refuse to get tested for this again.
Anyway then the doctor comes in. The doctor asks me how far along I am and yata yata yata. I mention to her that this is Max’s quiet day. She seems alarmed. I tell her that this is how he is. He is active for about 18 hours straight then he has a “quiet day” then he gradually is awake and moving around for 18 hours again. I remind her (incase she didn’t read it in my chart) that I lost 3 children. I have been really trying not to panic with this pregnancy because with all I have been through it would be easy to do! She asks if I am in a rush anywhere and I say no. So then she has me have a non-stress test. I wasn’t concerned about Max but she ordered it anyway. So I had that done. They had me lay on my side so Max would get really mad (which he did) and then they looked for movement. He moved, so they sent me home.
I just had a hard time believing that here I am a Lost mom and I am the one trying to calm down the doctor! Oh and the nurse asked me if I was having Max circumcised. I told her yes, and that I would just have Lenny do it. Lenny is one of the neonatologists at the hospital and he is the only one that does circs. Everyone calls him Lenny so I don’t even know his last name (or I get it confused with other doctors). The nurse seemed confused by who I was going to have do the procedure. To which I am thinking, why ask me then? I assume she doesn’t know all the pediatricians in the area if she doesn’t even know the neonatologists at the one hospital they deliver at (the peds don’t see babies at this hospital either).
So as you can see I had a rather strange visit with the OB on Monday.
Max has been doing great though. He is getting more active and I can clearly start to see patterns in his awake and asleep times. It seems that the last couple of days he has had something really click in him. He is also getting more deliberate in his movements. Those of you that remember Emily, she was very deliberate with her movements. She would explore something then move on. Max seems to be doing this inside me. Emily was doing this at about this gestation so that is good!
This whole thing is really starting to feel real. Max will be here in about 2.5 months and I feel like I am really behind on getting for him what I need. But I am getting there… slowly.
I am going to see if Tony can take a picture of me today or tomorrow. I was going to do it last night but time got away from me. So we will see if it can be done soon. I can tell you that I am 42 inches around right now. So I am fairly large. No doubt that I am pregnant now… not that the frequent noticeable kicks of Max that we can see from the outside wouldn’t show that too! Ha ha!
I am going in for my gestational diabetes screen a week from today. Hopefully I will not have it. I will not likely find out if I have it or not till my next doctor appointment in about 2 weeks (2 weeks from Monday).
That is all I have for now. I will update when I can.
Hi Jennifer,
I have been out of town so unable to check in on you for a few days. So glad to see that everything continues to go well for you and Max. Hopefully the last doc you saw won’t be on call when you deliver! Also hope your diabetes test goes well.
Normally a 45 inch waistline would not be something to celebrate but in your case, hurray!! The bigger you get the bigger Max is getting too! I’m hoping for a 7lb plus baby for you guys.
Hope you are having fun gathering everything you need for Max’s arrival.
Take care, Rowena