Hello everyone!
Sorry for no picture today. Tony and I have been busy this week and it just hasn’t happened.
The OB appointment went well on Tuesday. She asked if I was getting excited to cross the 24 week (when I delivered the triplets) and in all honesty Tony and I are more excited about crossing the 30 week mark. 24 weeks is great milestone but to us 30 weeks means we have a much better chance of bringing Max home. I was shocked when I got on the scale there and found out I weigh 163 lbs. Yikes! No wonder I feel like an elephant when I walk around (no offense to people that weigh more, I just have never really weighed this much). Ha ha! Blood pressure is normal. So all is well there.
Max is moving around quite a bit. In fact when he doesn’t move it scares us. Yesterday Max slept in a bit and scared Tony and I. Max woke up though and was bouncing around like a happy baby. Movin and grovin to music as per usual. Ha ha!
Last night we went to the group open house for the pediatrician. This was quite interesting. We learned about the practise and that was nice. Then he went into some newborn after care stuff and we have been there and done some of that (things like billyrubin and stuff). He also talked about things like breathing rates and said that if your child was breathing at 70 breaths per minute (which honestly was Emily on a good day) then your child should be seen right away. At the end the doctor looked at us and asked if we were experts. We just left it at that we have been through a lot to get to where we are today, and we know all the neonatologists (unless they have changed) at the hospital I will deliver at. I am sure our first visit will include a discussion over Emily, Alexander and Christopher. I assume this would be good information for them to know so they know why we are like we are about things. The doctor also said that most new parents are 10-20 minutes late for their first appointment. Considering that I am normally 10-20 minutes early for everything I guess that means I will arrive right on time. Ha ha!
All told I believe we both liked this doctor and the practise policies. And I think we both learned something. Which is always good.
I have been trying to add to Max’s diaper collection for the last week. I have 2 diapers on order, one is in the mail and one will be mailed out next week (it is being made). Today my goal is to get another diaper. Last week I tried to get a diaper from this same place and missed out. You wouldn’t think it would be so hard to get a diaper but since most of these diapers are made by work at home moms they have a limited supply. My goal is to get a few different diapers then after I try them on Max (obviously after he is born) I will see what works best for us and then go from there. I am sure when I get all of my diaper stuff I will take a picture of it all and you can see how many different choices there are (if you are not already familiar with it).
That is about all that is going on. I am a bit upset by the tomato recall. I love tomato and fresh (water packed) mozzarella salad and I hope I can get a fresh tomato when I go to the store tomorrow.
Talk to you all later!
Which practice are you guys seeing? If it’s the same one as we see–the Faculty Practice at Children’s Hospital–I just wanted to let you know that we are THRILLED with all the doctors there.
And I cannot wait to meet little Max–except that I can really wait to meet him. 17 weeks from now would be just fine with us!
Glad to hear you are doing well!
Hi, Jennifer,
I’d love to send you a gift of the PooPockets Diaper Pattern. I think you’ll have a ton of fun sewing your own diapers and the Tiny PooPockets size included the pattern is just right for a newborn up to about 12 pounds.
If you’re interested, please email me and let me know where to send it. [email protected]