Well as you can see we had our ultrasound today! We are proud to announce that we are having a little Maximillian Andrew!! We will call him Max.
Max is growing right on target (slightly ahead) and everything looks great for him. He is more or less head down right now. He really didn’t like the ultrasound and at one point had both arms covering his face. As you can see though Max has already figured out his thumb and how cool that is! Max has an estimated weight of 439 grams (Alexander and Emily both weighed 491 grams at birth). Oh and his belly is measuring a week ahead of schedule. I think that has something to do with all the good food I have been eating while my mother was in town. Ha ha!
They checked my cervix and my cervix is still very long (4.1 I think) so everything seems to be going really well with this pregnancy. Max is still very active, but that is okay by us! I actually think daddy prefers it that way since he CONSTANTLY is asking me if I have felt junior. Ha ha!
So now I have to figure out the long list of things that I need for a little boy. As you can imagine we had tons of girly things for Emily, but not that many manly things. Now we need to fix that. So during the next few days I will be doing my research into that.
That is all I have for now. I will try to write more before the end of the week and talk about my mom’s trip out here.
Oh Congrats im very happy for you and Tony:))))) how exciting!
Jennifer and Tony,
Max looks very handsome and is very photogenic. Tony also says he has big feet–just like he did when he was born. None of the newborn shoes and slippers fit Tony’s feet, they just hung off the toes. I hope Max doesn’t do ALL the things Tony did as a baby. . .
How exciting to know that your baby is a boy. I love his name. Now you can really get down to the business of sewing little boy things. There’s a great magazine put out called Ottobre. I think it’s published in Finland, but there are English versions. Anyway, there are great boy patterns in this magazine.
Yay! Little boys are so very much fun. Congrats to you guys!
Katie in Dallas
Congratulations and I can hardly wait to see Max. He sure looks cute in an ultrasound! Guess you will have to pack away the girly things until next time. There are really cute boy clothes too! I am so excited for you Jennifer and Tony. It’s wonderful that things are going so well. You deserve it that’s for sure.
Thanks for sharing the ultrasound and the good news. Rowena
Woo-Hoo!!! How cool! Congrats, thanks for the update, Jill
Congrats on how things are going with Max! I love the name, the pictures are wonderful, and I am so so happy that this pregnancy is proceeding so uneventfully for you.
Best to you, Tony, and little Max!
Abby, Sharon, and Hallie
How Exciting!
Congratulations! :O)